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Ibn Taymiyyah Briefly
His name and lineage: He is Taqiy al-Din, Abu al-Abbaas, Ahmad bin Abd al-Haleem bin Abd al-Salaam bin Abd Allaah bin Abi al-Qaasim bin al-Khidr bin Muhammad bin Taymiyyah al-Harraanee, then al-Dimashqi, the Imaam (leading scholar), the Faqeeh (jurist), the Mujtahid (deriver of rulings), the Muhaddith (hadeeth scholar), the Haafidh (memorizer), the Mufassir (exegete), the abstemious, the critic, rarity of his time, author of plentiful works, possessor of excessive intelligence, the Shaykh of Islaam, and outstanding of the notables.
His family: He came from a family of learned scholars. His father is the Scholar and Muftee, Shihaab al-Din Abd al-Haleem. His grandfather is the Imaam and Shaykh of Islaam, Majd al-Din Abu al-Barakaat, author of the book al-Ahkaam. The title "Taymiyyah" comes from the mother of one of his forefathers (see lineage above) who was called Taymiyyah. She was an admonisher, so he was ascribed to her and became known through that name, "Ibn Taymiyyah." His mother who was either of Arabic or Kurdish origin played a great role in nurturing him and his thinking, and it is said that she lived to see her son become the scholar of the age.
His birth: He was born in Harraan, south-eastern Turkey, near the border with Syria, on 12th Rabee' al-Awwal of 661H (23rd January 1263CE). Due to the approach of the Mongols to the land of Harraan his family displaced and moved to Damascus in 667H whilst Ibn Taymiyyah was six years old.
To be continued...
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